
Warming up…

This is the post excerpt.

I am a Behavioral Medicine Psychologist, and my career has focused on helping people lead healthier lives while managing chronic health conditions. On a personal level, I am passionate about staying fit while managing a career and a busy family complete with three teenagers. I have been a dancer my entire life, and, in recent years, have fallen in love with ballroom dancing. I run, not because I am fast, but because I love the clarity it brings me. I enjoy the rush of a HIIT workout.

This blog is the start of many exciting new adventures Balance is hoping to achieve in the coming months.  The concept of whole life therapy is geared toward helping others feel healthy, confident, and educated as they strive toward meeting individualized goals.

I am hoping to be a motivator to other people who are on a fitness/health journey. I look forward to connecting with many of you and to help you choose the best fitness path for your lifestyle! I also know that looking and feeling your best affects how you feel. Our thoughts are powerful forces and motivators in everything we do.

I’m looking forward to being on this journey with you.


The Pursuit of Treatment

LymeBingo“We can’t find anything wrong.”

“The labs are normal.”

“Has she seen a therapist?”

“There isn’t any other medication to try.”

“One headache for an entire year?”

For two years, we have been in and out of specialists’ offices searching for answers to why our 15-year-old daughter feels so ill all the time. Answers for the severe joint pain, an unrelenting headache that left her bedridden some days, the nausea and stomach pain, stiff and sore neck, the visual disturbance, the cognitive fog…

For two years, I suggested a trial of treatment for Lyme disease. There was no rash that I can recall-or a specific incident that I can pinpoint as the moment that this all began. And a negative Western Blot test stops doctors in their tracks. However, symptom-wise, she has every one. See her Lyme Bingo Card above. Despite bringing in numerous scholarly articles and symptom lists, watching her fail multiple medications, interventions, “normal” evaluations, and diagnostic testing, we got nowhere fast.

Yes, we tried holistic treatments, chiropractors, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy. No luck.

Her knees blew up last week. While she had been coping with joint pain and swelling for many years, never had she dealt with anything to this degree.  Her right knee was affected worse than her left, but they were both affected.  A visit to an orthopedic urgent care and a few x-rays later showed her knees were “normal.” We’ve grown to loathe that word. The provider said she could not drain the fluid because it was not in the joints, but instead, was in the soft tissue surrounding the joints. The pain and swelling were so severe that she was on crutches for several days.

It was at that point that, we decided to track down a physician who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease to evaluate our daughter.  We traveled to a doctor just outside of NYC for an appointment. The downside of seeing one of these specialists is that many do not take medical insurance. The up side? For the first time, she felt like someone really heard her and understood what she was going through. Someone who knew exactly where she had pain and understood the impact this has had on her life. We are now starting oral antibiotic treatment and, for the first time in a long time, are hopeful that we might have an answer, a direction.  Cautious optimism…we’ll take that for now.




The Snow Globe Theory

As a Behavioral Medicine Psychologist, I spend the majority of my time working with individuals who have chronic pain.  Chronic pain falls under the category of what we refer to as an invisible disability.  It is estimated that approximately 100 million people in the United States have chronic pain [International Association for the Study of Pain]. A person may look just fine on the outside, but may be struggling severely day to day.

Invisible disabilities are difficult for others to understand. As I’m educating people, I often explain it like a snow globe. You may walk by and think, “How pretty!  This scene is picture perfect!” What you don’t realize is that someone had come by a few minutes earlier and shook the hell out of that snow globe. Imagine all those tiny, falling, glittering flakes representing something a person with chronic pain or chronic illness struggles with on a daily basis: keeping a job, managing their children, sitting, standing or walking for any length of time, activities of daily living, socializing, romantic relationships, giving up activities he or she previously enjoyed doing, problems sleeping, and for some people, a significant impact on their mood.

Usually, the first thing people ask me is why they would see a psychologist for chronic pain. Do I think the pain is all in their heads? No. But, I do know pain affects everything and everything affects pain.  Understanding the thoughts and feelings that go along with chronic pain helps people cope better.  Working with a psychologist or other behavioral health specialist can help you learn new self-management strategies to reduce the intensity of your pain and learn about factors that can increase and decrease your pain.

If you’re struggling with chronic pain, don’t lose hope. Keep communicating and stay proactive about your health. Talk with your medical providers about the right action plan for your care to encompass a whole health perspective.



Make New Friends, Get Healthy

There are still a few spots left for my 60 Day PiYo Challenge starting November 1st. We have such a positive group so far! Join us to get healthy, motivate one another, and crush your health and fitness goals-All from your own home.  I will coach you through the workouts.  This is affordable, fun, and you’ll connect with some great new people on similar journeys.  PiYo works for women AND men, so everyone is welcome!

So, what do you need to do?



Choose either only the DVD set, or the Challenge Pack with the Shakeology (If you choose the chocolate, I’ll give you my chocolate covered strawberry recipe–so good!!).

Send me an email at balancebflo@gmail.com with your preferred email address and I’ll add you to our private challenge group.  Add the app on your phone, and get ready to get motivated, have fun, and learn PiYo.

Accountability leads to better results. Get on board with us!



Free Time

We had an amazing #Facebook event two nights ago to launch three new #skincare products. Not only am I excited to get these in the hands of my customers, I met some fantastic new people!

I added skin care and fitness coaching to my life because I wanted more time with my family. I was working six days a week, and I was exhausted. I also love working with and meeting people and hearing about what they want to accomplish.  Now, I’m building a business I love—something that encompasses inspiring health, wellness, and confidence inside and out.

This has given me more time to do things that I find to be rewarding. If this speaks to you, and you want to join me on either of these paths, please send me an email. I’m loving both companies and the freedom they are giving me. There’s no better time to be your own boss, and inspiring others is an added bonus!




It’s no surprise that my business is called “Balance.” I talk with my clients about it every day. Work, Love, Kids, Pets, Fitness, Health, Socialization- how do we keep it all in check? One of the things that frequently comes up in my work is how to better manage relationships.

Emotional energy. We spend it every day. Lots of it. In healthy relationships, it is regularly replenished. You know how this feels. These relationships are easy; no drama.

The other relationships are more complex. You feel drained. Maybe even anxious. Emotional energy has been over-spent and not reciprocated.

Taking an inventory of where you’re spending your emotional energy is critical. Who in your life is taking too many of your resources? What relationship do you want to invest more of that energy into?

Think about your relationships and where your emotional energy goes. Prioritizing and realigning can make all the difference. If you can’t change some relationships (and let’s face it, sometimes we can’t) practice setting healthy boundaries that keep your reserve full. Don’t forget your most important investment of emotional energy-yourself!

Join Me….

Forget the New Year, New You rush at the gym. Start now from the convenience of your home and join my 60 day PiYo Challenge! Email me at balancebflo@gmail.com to receive an invitation. 60 days of amazing workouts, motivation and tips from me, and transformation as you work through PiYo and change your body!

I love working with my clients to help them reach their goals. Join me for this 60 day wellness adventure and watch the change!



My teenage daughter likes to find different things for us to do together for our ”Girls Only” Weekends. This year, she combined two things we are passionate about: Fighting cancer and Patrick Dempsey. 🙂 This past weekend, we traveled to beautiful Lewiston, Maine to participate in the #DempseyChallenge. We ran a 5K and completed a 25 (actually, as we exhaustedly learned at the finish line, a 29.1) mile bike ride.

This was a challenge in many ways. My daughter has been chronically ill for over a year now with a condition that we can’t seem to get diagnosed. She doesn’t let that stop her. She tackled that run and fought through that bike ride (Fun Fact: Maine has some killer hills that we were not prepared for at all!). We visited a beautiful town, had the most stunning fall backdrop you could ever imagine, and supported the Dempsey Center. The center is the bridge to care that is missing in many places, allowing patients diagnosed with cancer to receive counseling, caregiver and peer support, massage therapy, reiki, learn about nutrition, and participate in yoga among other wonderful services—at no cost to the patient. Whole health therapy.

How we think about what is happening in our lives is a critical component to how we are able to cope. I look at things very differently after this past year, watching my daughter persevere through difficult days with determination. She has given me a new perspective on the importance of taking care of the whole self- emotions, body, and mind. 509587CF-06B9-4AE9-8D32-B0B6991A7B88.png